For thousands of years, this path was kept secret, only being offered to a select group that was ready to hear the calling to become a Warrior of Light. But now, as the human conciousness awakens, those that feel that are ready to change the world have the opportunity to embark on this path.

The Path of the Ritual Master is a completely transformative spiritual journey. It will expand and deepen your understanding of the world and of magick. This is the path of the warrior who fights evil in the world by confronting the evil within, while bringing good to the world by developing the good within. Ritual Master is for the ones that wish to overcome the negative ego and be of service to humanity.

This is not an easy path, but is where great mysteries are revealed. It is a journey with many obstacles and challenges, that test you while you eliminate your negative ego and the shadows that block the light in your own life. The greatest challenge found in this path is where the negative ego fights against our own divine nature, and it is in the releasing of that pain that we receive such great revelation.

Ceremonial magick is an important component of the Ritual Master Path. It is the art of calling upon and working with the powers of the universe! The Ritual Master is taught the some of the highest and most secretive rituals and magick known to man. These teachings have more than 3000 years of history and include hidden knowledge of King Salomon, the Wise, one of the greatest Ritual Masters that have walked this Earth.


You need to be an Adept Initiate (Empower Thyself) and Healers Academy I gratuate to apply. There is an application process, where you need to fill out an application form stating why you wish to become a Ritual Master, among other important informations.

Your application is then reviewed by the Ritual Master Teacher.

For more information on the Ritual Master Path, how to apply and prerequisites required, please contact your Guide or the Modern Mystery School South America.

To start this journey, it is essential that the adept recognizes and accepts the level of commitment and participation required for the Ritual Master Path.

Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil

+55 48 9 9163 4824